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Old 03-12-2005, 06:22 AM
Fish Breath Fish Breath is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Coquitlam Area
Posts: 15
Fish Breath is on a distinguished road

I have a offer for everyone in Victoria
I come over to Victoria quite often to visit a friend in Brentwood Bay but I usually walk on ( due to the cost of driving on). If enough of you pool together and got enough people to pay my ferry fare to drive on there and back no gas charges just ferry costs I would pick up from J&L and bring a load over the more people in the cheaper the shipping I could also pick up from Big Al's,King Ed's or Pauls Aquarium or any others that are local to me
If 4 were in on the group it would be around $18.50 each for shipping
if 6 were in it would be around $12.50
if 8 were in it would be around $9.25
and so on
I could also bring any other goods in the same load provinding I have room. I drive a Caravan. So I don't think that space would be an issue

This is just a thought for you guys and gals But I guess you would all have to order around the same time I would obviously need a couple days notice so I could pick up.
Once I am in Victoria you could pick up in Brentwood Bay and or possibly downtown If I venture into town
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