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Old 03-11-2005, 05:08 PM
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Murminator Murminator is offline
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There is 20 # of rock in there. I 1st tried the wall method didn't like it so I just threw it in and left it then just filled the holes, my fave is to pile the rocks in the corners and leave the middle with just rubble but the tank was too small.
As for "Profect Ghetto Reef"...thats top secret

Everyone has words on how expensive this hobby is I will be doing a thread on how cheap to build a reef in the coming months..
Just a hint...29g tank, sand, 2 rocks 1 with 50 zoos, prizm skimmer, AC500, 150w heater, 400w Mh, 2 powerheads...ALL acquired from Canreef.....$78 so far

BUT now I need the expensive stuff, bulb and live rock that will drive the price up.

I reserve the right to hijack any thread I want to!!

My carbon footprint is bigger than your carbon footprint !!!!
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