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Old 03-06-2005, 04:36 PM
trilinearmipmap trilinearmipmap is offline
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Default Another "help me choose fish to stock my tank" thr

Yes I am sure everyone is sick of reading threads like this but here goes anyways.

I am looking for a final one or two fish for my 120g softie/LPS reef.

Current inhabitants include a yellow tang, hippo tang, two ocellaris clowns, one spotted mandarin, and two coral banded shrimp.

The issues in stocking this tank include I don't want any fish that would eat the shrimp, or eat my feather dusters or corals, or fight with my tangs, or eat the mandarin. I'd also like fish that will be "front and centre" rather than hiding in the rockwork. Also nothing like a 6-line wrasse that would decimate my pod population, I need the pods for the mandarin. Also whatever fish I get has to eat prepared food as mysis feedings are rare and occasional.

And finally I want bright colorful fish.

The ones I have thought of include:

Purple tang -- but I am probably already over-tanged
A pair of spendidus mandarins -- may or may not coexist with my spotted mandarin
School of chromis -- but I've read about how these usually kill each other off one by on
Flasher or fairy wrasse -- would it eat all the pods though?
Watanabei angel -- can't find one anywhere
Doliatus rabbitfish -- can't find one anywhere

Any advice would be appreciated.
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