Must sell everything
The tranny went on my van I need money to fix it. Very depressing. But what can I do.
Livestock must go first.
1 Naso Tang
1 Maroon Clown
2 Green Chromis
1 Yellow Tang
6 turbo Snails,
Brittle star
about 60 pounds of live rock Good coraline coverage
sand in sump and crushed coral in main tank(likely noone will want that)
goto my website for photos,
None of my fish have every had ick or any other disease
Best offers on lot or individual.
After that
4 2 NO ballast setup with 4 40 watt tubes
dual 175 watt MH setup with bulbs
Berlin Turbo Skimmer
90 gallon tank very clean no scratches undrilled
Heater, 2 maxi jets 1200 & 600, 1 rio
Will sell sump as well but its been customized for my stand
the stand is also up for grabs but its very heavey and may be difficult to move.
Once the Livestock is gone I'll likely put skimmer and lights on ebay so make your offers now.
Anyway gotta run