03-02-2005, 05:00 PM
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,591
Originally Posted by reef_raf
Originally Posted by Invigor
1. Thou shalt refrain from posting anything non-aquaria related to the buy/sell/trade forum.
2. Thou shalt refrain from posting offensive material such as religion and politics.
3. Thou shalt post non-aquaria related material in the "Lounge".
4. Buying/selling in the Lounge forum will not be tollerated.
That's what I've collected over the past few months
That pretty much sums it up. These have been the rules since the inception of the board, yet a few individuals continue to question them. I don't really understand it.
We're an aquarium board, trying to run a friendly aquarium related site. We like to try and have fun and not be too anal about things, but a few simple rules are mandatory to ensure smooth operation of the site. This is non-negotiable and needs to be accepted as the way things are. If a person feels that they just can't live within these few boundaries, it may be best to find a board more suited to their style of board participation.
Well said. 
To be loved you have to be nice to people every day - To be hated you don't have to do squat.
---------Homer Simpson--------