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Old 02-22-2005, 03:35 AM
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j83 j83 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Ladner, BC
Posts: 91
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Do a search for pop-eye - it sounds like what it is.

Pop-eye can be caused by many things - bad water quality, he hit himself, bacterial infection etc. It is not contagious, and can be treated with time and medicine. You can buy pop-eye medicine at most fish stores and can mix it in with his/her food, or and you will have to check on this, treat the whole system for pop-eye, which is okay in your case because you already have him in QT. I would treat sooner than later especially given the species you are dealing with.

Good Luck!

PS - check all parameters before doing a water change - water changes will stress the fish out more, and if it is not needed then i would avoid doing it.
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