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Old 02-18-2005, 08:37 PM
Azilla Azilla is offline
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Default LiveRock Die Off

Hey guys im kinda curious i have had that snail problem for some time now and i have been killin them but cant get them all. Now my question is how long will Live rock last outside of water before die off happens??? Im asking because im almost at the point where i want to pull out my liverock and scrape it with a brush to romove the pests. Also wanted to pull out the rock to find the clicking menace. So what kind of time frame do i have???
75gal RR Tank with 2 Seio 620 and 2 maxijet 1200, 2 150watt HQI and 2 Antic PC, Turbo Floter Skimmer with 9.5 Mag to tank and fuge, Sump is 75gal with a 22gal fuge, 40gal Auto topoff.
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