Thank you Willow. Yes, I have mine placed high up in the water column, attached to oyster shells & resting on an algae covered flat rock. I'm getting good growth (approx. 8mm since the fall) & it's colours are outstanding. I now also have a blue/green rimmed Squamosa & a new Hippo clam next to it. 10000k 96w PC with 2@3' 20000k T-5
Top view of Derasa & Squamosa
Front view of same clams
I use Liquid Reactor for calcium & feed rotifers/phyto mix several times a week.
Would they be happier under MH? Probably. Would BC Hydro be happier if I went with MH? Definitely

But your question was if it is possible to have success with clams under PC so "Yes" under the right conditions.
PS. I'll try to take some clearer pics with my new camera.