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Old 02-17-2005, 01:23 AM
JohnM99 JohnM99 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Victoria
Posts: 82
JohnM99 is on a distinguished road

I got my salt from Paul's in Surrey - they just put it on the bus - can't exactly remember the price, but not bad for the half ton or so I got (seemed that heavy). Using Crystal Seas Marine Mix - got 150 lbs. actually.

J&L are kind of flexible on the shipping - they usually use UPS - which works well - but you can use other ways - I just got a couple of nice boxes of snails, cowries, conch, frozen food, and a couple of fish today - left their store about noon - picked them up at the airport at 4 - total shipping $20 on Pacific Coastal Air, plus $10 packing. Very reasonable, can't beat the speed. Pacific Coastal are very good with handling the boxes carefully as well.

Ask them if they will send it on the bus.
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