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Old 02-16-2005, 02:17 PM
Saltysteve Saltysteve is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Vernon BC (sunny Okanagan)
Posts: 169
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Default Grrrrr, what gives

Hi everyone!
I'm getting frustrated, again LOL
I see everyones tank is clear, sandbeds are white etc. Mine, I always have lime green algae thick on my glass, I have to scrape it off all the time. My sandbed is not the most attrictive and ever since I bought a frag from a friend I have Cyano I have a 4x65 watt PC light running 2 10ks and 2 actincs, my tank is drilled with sump, I use Instant ocean salt , I do run a protein skimmer and I only use 3 gallon jugs of RO/DI bottled water. I do however have coraline growing on my glass a few good spots, just started recently.
Any tips?
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