This is very intense.
I respect other peoples beliefs and opinions as I hope they will respect mine.
I am sure I have been most everything a non Christian should be at some point or another. Lots of Drugs , Rock-n-Roll, Pre marital sex ,( Sorry Honey...

) Long Hair wannabe, rebelious tendancies etc etc. BUT.... even in those days I felt I was somewhat looked after or guarded by some higher being. Or maybe I was just fortunate enough not to get caught.

.... One thing I've learned about life is you can't blame GOD for your misfortunes. He does not cause disasters, He does not cause hardship or grief. Earthquakes and Tidelwaves are not his doing............."It is always easier to blame a person when they are not in the room". Humans in general are like God. We have the power to create life and take it away. And we do both disrespectfully. We can live longer by having the choice to eat better and get more exercise or not etc. We have a choice in many things with the time we are given on this planet. It is up to us to decide the fate of our own lives. Why blame God? . All he did was give us life. What happens to our own induvidual lives are just in the plans and the will to survive. ( We all have hardships of some sort . i.e. lost loved ones for many reasons) But most of us have a choice. Life is a gift. What we do with it is up to ourselves for the most part.
So in general. What I'm trying to say is.... it is easier to be mad at someone than forgive them. ..... It is easier to be bitter about life than actually trying to change it for the better.............. it is easier to be misreable than happy or understanding when things don't go our way....... it is easier to take the easy way out than to fight to good is worth fighting for....WE have the power to change what happens but sadly most of us including myself don't know how or are too scared to try it........LIFE IS A GIFT.... IT SHOULDN"T BE TAKEN FOR GRANTED!!!!. So that is why I belive in GOD. I choose to belive in something healthy and spiritual. I think most people are good and yet I have met lots that are mean and disrespectful. I think most people have a good heart but I know lots who cheat and steal. Those people choose to live their lives that way. I do my best ( and it is difficult belive me ) to fight the good fight. That is the challenge I gave myself.
I belive in having God in my corner makes me stronger and more confident to deal with life in these hectic times.
As Life gets tougher I find myself needing more of Gods strength and my own to get through tough times. From things I've seen and felt I know he is real. And belive me... I have had my own can of suffer, yet I still have faith. It is what keeps me going and I'm thankful for everyday I'm alive.
Just to let you know about me personally.
I drink Beer. ( probly too much )

...... I swear alot....... I have Tattoo's....... and I look mean

I get mad at SH**Y drivers and don't always get along with everybody I know and I think I have Pis**d a few people off in my time as well, not sure why ..

????? .......... But I am Human....

And at the end of the day, I still respect my gift of life and others and the choices I have..........
I love this hobby and enjoy all who share it with me. I respect everyones opinions and Ideas. This is a tough topic for many including myself and I think this may have been more of a confession than a actual comment .... EH!!!!
SO thank you all who shared.