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Old 02-11-2005, 03:23 PM
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AJ_77 AJ_77 is offline
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I consider myself a worshipful person, and even though I align myself with a major world religion, I follow and try to honour a living Faith rather than a set of prescribed standards and rules.

However - I seem to have started worshipping my Tank, my little Reef (so I'd better capitalize it ). What started out as a fascinating and absorbing hobby seems to have developed (degraded?) into an obsession. While it still offers pleasures galore at times, I wonder at the overall effects.

I spend a disproportionate amount of devotion, attention, time, effort and money on this Obsession, which -by some definitions pertinent to this thread- qualifies it as an idol (as in, something that replaces God as the principal subject of worship in my life).

For example:
When I'm away from home for a day, I can't wait to get back to check on the tank. I think about the tank when I'm not here. When something is amiss with the tank, it affects my whole world, and I don't feel right until it's fixed. I give priority to tank matters over more important things (and people). I check this board 20 times a day - at least.

I think I have a problem here.

And I checked #1.
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