Originally Posted by rusty
I must make one comment I am extremely glad that I live in a country like Canada where we can discuss this and everyone respects the fact that everyone is entitled to thier own opinions ... Canada rocks 
Just had to comment on this first. I don't think its Canada, more its this forum and the maturity level of the members. If this thread were started on other forums I am sure it would have degraded into a flame war. I am constantly impressed with the 'giving' nature and attitudes of Reefers. Scavanger, whom I've only emailed once, I met for the first time yesterday and he loaned me a ballast and 2 PC bulbs so my softies have a better chance until I can go MH...amazing...but I'm off topic....
I could not vote as I didn't feel any of the questions really related. I do not belive in God as the church defines, nor even a single higher being. I do believe in a mix of paranormal theories/beliefs.
Ghosts, spirits, energy afterlives, aliens, ESP, that the entire universe is tied together by energy that affects us and that we can affect. I believe our brains have dorment power that we have not even begun to comprehend. Perhaps in our next evolution? As for the theory of evolution...yes and no. All things evolve, but where did it start. Was it a random chemical/electrical reaction that started life on earth? Was earth 'seeded' with life. Perhaps we are just an experiment that is still being observed...... too many questions....so few answers.
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Store: 33Gal. Green Brittle Star, Chocolate Chip Star, Peppermint Shrimp