Originally Posted by G1GY
It's kind of funny how in many cases people who don't bellive in God still have some form of prayer when it's convenient. (Eg: When a loved one is in some kind of danger or seriously ill, when their own mortality has become very aparrent or even just when they see or hear of something terrible.)
Many of these people can be heard saying things like "Oh my God!" or "God help me." just to name a couple. These words have been known to leave the lips of many people at very trying times, yet they say they do not bellive in God the rest of the time.
I think you'll find that people in your first group do believe in god or something but don't practice worship in any real form.
the second group who use phrases like you pointed out for the most part do not believe or at least not enuf to care as that is taking the lords name in vain or commonly cussing and isn't something some one who is a god fearing person would do.
personally I can't pic a option in this thread as I don't believe in god in the common way but I believe rather that people need hope and something to look to for explanations for the unexplained and so one. So god, Jesus, Valhalla, and so on and so one are a persons manifestation of there desire to hope and believe. this is also why there are so many different versions of religion, heck there more flavors of Christianity alone than at baskin robins

*everything said above is just my opinion, and may or may not reflect the views of this BBS, its Operators, and its Members. If cornered on any “opinion” I post I will totally deny having ever said this in a Court of Law…Unless I am the right one*
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