I believe in god, however I don't fall into any particular religious "group", because for the most part they are completely off the wall and can't possibly make any sense.
Ie. The Jesus Christ crusifiction. They do incredibly awful things to Jesus that would send them to hell in a heart beat, yet God forgives our sins for this?? They kill his own son for forgiveness? not sure if it's because 2000 years have passed since, but if someone were to do that to my son, there wouldn't be any forgiving happening...
I also believe that you do not need to goto "church" to worship God. God to me is the decider of my fate, I will thank him for what he has given me, for taking care of those who I loved that have passed on, and for those who I love when I pass on.
and for the "creation of earth" theory. which came first, the chicken or the egg?
a tout le monde, a tous les amis.
je vous aime, je dois partir.