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Old 02-10-2005, 11:50 PM
trilinearmipmap trilinearmipmap is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Prince Rupert B.C.
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trilinearmipmap is on a distinguished road

Well I was raised an atheist in an intellectual family that was too clever to believe in God.

Since then I have come to change my views.

First of all I can not believe in the "Santa Claus" God that many out there seem to worship. I can give you a few good reasons, ie the genocides by Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, genocide of the North American Indians, genocidal slavery system in the United States in the last century, etc etc etc. Any God who allowed these things to happen (many of them perpetrated by Christians) is not a God that I will worship.

IMHO there is a God but this God is different from the one taught by various religions. Evidence of this God's existence can be found by observing life anywhere and everywhere. Simply put, the fact that myriad life forms exist to exploit any energy gradient found anywhere is proof of this God's existence. I am not sure if this God is a separate entity from these life forms or if God is an integral part of the life forms.

One thing is clear, God does not value people over a tube worm or an Isopod.

Anyway, sorry if I have offended anybody but these ideas are my own based on observations I have made.
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