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Old 02-10-2005, 09:23 PM
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Default Misc. Stuff - Has to go!!!

Okay guys and gals,

My garage is full and I have to get rid of this stuff.

Here's the list:

Oceanic Reef Ready Sump with Plumbing and Filtration Kit, and glass canopy - $50
-used for just over a year before I upgraded, it's in excellent condition
- sump dimensions are 24.5x12.5x17.5 *PENDING*

CPR 90 Overflow - $30
-used for just over a year before I upgraded, it's in excellent condition

Eheim 2215 (cannister filter) with connected Aqua 15 watt UV sterilizer - $70
- I have had the filter for a few years, but the UV sterilizer is abotu a year and a half old - it was never used continously so the bulb should be good for a another few months *SOLD*

Tetratec PF 300 Filter with heater - $20 (down from $25 dollars - come on ppl! )
- Great condition, doesn't come with any filter media

45 Gallon Tank (48x18x12) (No glass canopy) - $35
- Tank in great condition, glass canopy cracked when moving it (it's yours if you want it) *SOLD*

Stand for 45 gallon tank - $50
- Black wooden stand, with 2 cupboards on each side

I will also accept frags for trade!!!

PM me

I apologize for anyone who said that they wanted the overflow and I told them I would return their message if the first deal fell through - I accidently deleted all of my pm's. Sorry!
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