Oh the frustration!
Just venting, looking for a little sympathy. After weeks of waiting, we finally added a couple of fish to our 10g nano. They settled in for a few days, and everything looked so good....
Then, last night at 12:00 (the witching hour), I heard the most unnerving sound: Thwuck... SSSSSSSHHHHHHHSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHH....
All the water promptly poured from the tank and onto the floor. I had a batch of water ready for water changes, but not heated. I salvaged a bit of water from the tank before it completely emptied, but I had no choice except to throw everything alive into the SW bucket and add what little I had salvaged. Once it was emptied, I found the problem: a crack from end to end on the bottom. I threw a powerhead into the bucket and we cleaned up and went to bed.
We bought a new tank today and put everything back in. No fancy acclimation, just dump and pray. So far everything seems OK. We've accounted for all the critters and fish.
Wish us luck for survival!