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Old 02-06-2005, 04:33 PM
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Richer Richer is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Edmonton (Southwest), AB
Posts: 784
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When it comes to simplicity, hang on filters such as Aquaclears can't be beat. They're simple in design, but very good at what they do. I have run them on my tanks for years and will continue to do so. Canisters on the other hand also have their advantages. In freshwater and FO applications they are better at biological filtration (because of the larger media holding capacity), although they lack somewhat in the mechanical filtration area. By adding a prefilter over the intake of a canister, you can extend the cleaning period of a canister by a few months. They're also good for adding extra water volumn to your tank.

That said, what is my preference? I've run both Fluvals and Eheims and I know several people who've run Filstars. If you can afford it, get yourself an Eheim. The classic Eheims are a bit harder to get primed and ready to go, but once you master it, they will last you forever. If you want to spend a little bit more money, get the professional series Eheim. They're very easy to prime, much easier than a Fluval. The only downside to the Eheim is cost. IME, Fluvals perform pretty well. However, I don't like how the canister is designed. Looking at the canister's design, it seems like some of the water going through the canister could bypass the media storage area. Filters such as the Eheim and Filstar don't have this problem. From what I've read, Filstars are probably the best bang for your buck. Their design is simliar to that of the Eheim, and they are relatively reliable so far. They've been on the market for a relatively short amount of time compared to the Eheim and Fluval, so their problems may not have popped up yet.

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