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Old 02-06-2005, 04:08 AM
powerboy powerboy is offline
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: inside a faraday cage in the middle of a lightning storm
Posts: 35
powerboy is on a distinguished road

These days most anything you bring back from the US is only subject to PST and GST. Duty, for the most part is a thing of the past (alcohol and tobacco being the obvious exemptions). If the item falls under the favored nation status it is duty free. Thankfully these days, the global economy has allowed most countries that we buy products from to fall under that category.

I go to Bellingham quite often, and all I do is declare whatever I bought and just have to pay the tax. I actually prefer to shop there, not just because of our stronger dollar, but the fact that the US has a much better selection of goods.
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