Originally Posted by StirCrazy
nope I am saying I have 6800gph flow in a 90 and just a gentle current through out the tank. I had almost the same flow in my 90 when the sad was in there but it was concentrated in the top 1/2 and then did make some massive flow that still wasn't to bad. I would not go back to a sand bed if you paid me now.
Are you sure you had a sand bed at this time and not crushed coral or something heavier yet?
I'd be realy interested to know how you had that much water turn around and no hard current.
I mean I know you can direct the flow from the pump in any direction, but how do you prevent having a torrent of current in a 3 foot tank with that much flow?
Do you have the powerheads behind a big pile of rock?
Maybe the tank has 3 or 4 pounds of rock per gallon of water that works as a baffle system?
Do you use a wave maker type of set up on the Tunzes? (If so, then the off time has to be figured into your gph figure.)
I'm still wondering how you don't have any hard current with that much flow.
Some of my fish (CBB and Yellow tang for example) have a real tough time maneuvering around when their in the path of the 820 in a 3' tank and more flow would surely make it that much tougher for them.
So please tell me your secret.