I can verify that they can't be run on a wave maker. I had 2 820's, and a MJ 1200 on a wave maker in a 75g tank. It made for really nice chaotic flow in the tank but the 820's lasted less than a month. There is a plastic tab on the impeller (inside somewhere). The constant on and off just chews up the tab and then the pump won't start. The plastic jams against the magnet and won't let the impeller rev up. If you take the pump apart and physically loosen the plastic from the magnet, the pump will start once and continue spining until power is removed. It then will not start until it is taken apart again. I am lucky. The store where I got the pumps is replacing the impellers under warranty. These pumps are great, but definitely not for use on a wave maker.
How was I to know that Salt was an addictive drug?