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Old 01-27-2005, 04:21 AM
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Willow Willow is offline
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Default So i need this really big favor! :D

im doing leak and plumbing tests tonight and its going so-so.. i have a punchlist lets leave it at that! damn i forgot how loud overflow can be without a standpipe!

i have looked around the city and made some calls about rock. basically if i want to cherry pick rock at somewhat of a decent price i have to go uncured. this leaves me a dilemma, i have no skimmer (this is where your part comes in ) i was hoping that some super nice person could either lend me a skimmer for a few weeks to cure around a 100lbs of rock or could help me cure it if they had some sort of curing facility. i would be very much appreciated if anyone could help me out! i don't think i need anything fancy just a hang on or something.

thanks.. i await the deluge of offers
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