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Old 01-26-2005, 11:08 PM
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Default Rubbermaid sump not good

Ok i havea 36" rubbermaid sumop drilled for a float switch and and my 3MD on the far right. In there i have my skimmer i bought from Jayson. Love it awesome anyways is anyone out there struggle with micro bubbles trying to get rid of them. The only way i can do it is with a glass sump and baffles> GREAT IDEA.

Or add filter floss to the sump \. I have a 5 gal red sea salt container to where the over flow water flows from upstairs to the sump. Then the water is broken up in the container thur filter floss , and some old rock in there to loose the bubbles.

then out thur the bottom thur 2 bulk heads. I know the floss is working great to take away the bubbles somewhat and cleans the water in no time. How long would you keep the floss in the container before changing. Talked to Doug and he does it every 2-3 days i believe. Can i go longer .

And Knowing that the Nitrates will build up in the floss ,but i have a 2-2.5 "
sand bed will that take away the NItrates.

180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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