Thread: Flood!
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Old 01-24-2005, 04:39 AM
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Default Flood!

Well, my 77Gal sprang a leak tonight. The bottom plate seprated ever so slightly from one of the sides and started to pour all over the floor.

Managed to get all the water out before it ruined evrything.

Many thanks to air*force*one for providing a new home to my cichlids.
They would not have survived the night.

Scavanger or Christy. Do either of you know which glass shop in Naniamo does aquariums. I had this same problem 2 years ago when I first bought the tank. Obviously they did not do a very good job, so I'd like to find a better place that can completely tear it down and re build it.

Does anyone have an idea if this is worth it? Or would it be checpaer to just buy another tank?


Tired and wet....
Home:160Gal. Foxface, Yellow Tang, Blue Tang, Coral Beauty, Lawnmower Blenny, Starwberry Dottyback, Mandarin Goby, 2 Percula Clowns, Green Brittle Star, Brown Brittle Star, Chocolate Chip Star, Cleaner Shrimp
Store: 33Gal. Green Brittle Star, Chocolate Chip Star, Peppermint Shrimp
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