I know about is bigger is better when it comes to marine. Thats why while 33Gal is going to be the main im planning on a 20 Gal sump. So that will bring my Size up. Another plus is the 33 Gal is a long, Since im planning on going with live sand, I'll have lots of bottom surface for the natural Bio-filtration. And just to round it off i was thinking a Aqua C's Remora for a PS. Personally id love to go bigger but id have to convince my wife. When i first metioned Marine tank to my wife, I got the where are are we going to stick another tank? got her to agree to a 10 Gal Nano. then talked her in to a 20gal, Then Since the 33gal's were nice and cheap i got her to go for that LOL. I think ive used up all my Presasuve skills on her though. I almost had her hooked on a larger tank when she saw a Mandarin, But she backed out when she relized how big id have to go to keep one. So while a bit optimistic for a newb to marine hopefully with time and patience ill pull this off with out loss of life. (I do have Brackish xp So i understand a little more then your avreage freshwater coming in)