Welcome - I think you are right for equipment - and you will also find that prices can be a lot lower in USA, especially with the strong dollar (not yet reflected in local's prices) - Premium Aquatics, Reef Geek and Marine Depot are very good.
You can't buy livestock from the USA - theoretically possible, but completely impractical.
I would suggest NOT getting a 33 gallon tank - way too volatile - the bigger the volume of water the more stable - many say at least 50-60 gal.
Tanks can be found cheaply also at King Edward Aquariums on Kingsway in east Burnaby.
Lights, pumps etc are WAY overpriced on the Island.
Check out the paper for used stuff - some excellent deals come up quite often.
I enjoy shopping at Hillside Tropical at Hillside and Cedar Hill for livestock - prices are higher than the mainland, but good to support a local shop and Cora is very nice. Can't beat seeing what you are going to get - you can also buy something, and pick it up in a couple of weeks - making sure it is still doing well.
Good luck, and have fun - its a great hobby.