Im currently in the planning stages of my first MW tank. So its nice to find something close to home. Hopefully you guys check in often enoug hthat you can help me find stuff localy.
So far ive learned stay the hell off the island when it comes to equipment J&L over in Van seems to be the way to go (feel free to point me to some other choices though). Im currently looking at a used 33Gal long in creatures though. Some of there staff seems to pull there live stock info out there ass though and im not fond of the no warranty on livestock thing either. What's there faces down by micheals / futureshop seems alright along with spechs (same owners i believe) That it isnt it? I mean besides (shudder) Petcetera.
Anyways im just spouting off now.
Also if anyone want to help me out with a good deal on some used equipment let me know