Fish for sale Delta BC
After several decades, I am taking a break from the hobby as it just doesn't bring me joy anymore. I have the following fish for sale:
Tomani Tang - $40 (4-5"
Lamarck Angel - $50 (5-6")
Hippo Tang $90 (6")
Koran Angel (late Juvi colour) $65 (5-6")
Flame Angel $50
Pink Tail Trigger $50 (6")
Clown fish (large white stripes with thinner black ones...a little orange as well, maybe a "widebar?) $35
All fish have been eating NLS pellets for the last year.
cured natural live rock $2/lb - living in a brute garbage can in water with a pump and a heater...I have pretty much a brute garbage can full.
The idea is to try and get rid of it all on the 20th-21st. The tank is already going to a friend (I hope).
My number is 604-762-4866.
I'm hoping I don't have to drop off all of the livestock to J&L.
220gal reef, 12gal nano reef (in office), 3dogs, 1cat, 2kids, no money.