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Old 08-24-2024, 05:16 PM
straightrazorguy straightrazorguy is offline
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Default 150 Gal Tank Breakdown

After reefing for over 10 years, I am breaking down my 150 gallon tank because I am moving. There will be several sales threads. This one has to do with the fish only. I have meticulously quarantined all my fish and corals, and I've never had any outbreaks. The fish are all healthy and eating pellets. They have also cohabitated peacefully since before the pandemic. I will be breaking the tank down on Monday Sept 2 at noon. All the fish must be sold and paid for when the breakdown happens. They will al be caught then (impossible to catch otherwise). What doesn't sell goes to the Vancouver Aquarium. Here's the list:
- 5 inch yellow tang (pre-ban): $ 225
- 4.5 inch purple tang (gets along with the yellow above): 210
- 4.5 inch yellow-eye Kole Tang: $ 200
- 2.5 inch yellow Assessor basslet (tank raised): $ 130
- Blue star leopard wrasse pair (mated): $75 M: 4 in, F 3 in
- 2.5 in multibar angel: $ 240
- 3.5 in multi-colour angel: $ 100
- Prolific Percula Clown mated pair ($ 30) M2.5 in, F 3.5 in
- 2 inch pellet-eating Starburst Anthia: $ 130

Please PM me if interested. Serious inquiries only please.
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