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Old 01-18-2024, 07:05 PM
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WarDog WarDog is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Maple Ridge, BC
Posts: 3,111
WarDog will become famous soon enough

Two snow days in a row. Spent a few hours shoveling Tauntaun poodoo yesterday, and planning to spend time today on the build. Lets get into the progress.

Had the water change titanium heater explode on me for unknown reasons.

No idea what happened, but apparently these heaters are packed with sand, and it ruined a full bucket of NSW.

Gave everything a good clean and made another batch for the next water change.

Finally hooked up the Trident, after sitting in the box for 382 days.
Mounted a second doser that will be used for more additives.

Time to clean up this mess. Had to add a PM2 because the temp probe cable was too short to reach the Apex head unit and then tuck away nicely.
Need to figure out the main power cable as all the conduits are full.

It blows my mind how many wires we have to deal with in this hobby. I've done my best to organize them, leaving enough slack to allow the door to open. I don't think anyone can really eliminate the rats nest of aquarium wiring. Added a magnet to help the door stay closed. The only things left to add are 6 more power blocks for the new light fixture (which is the next big hardware upgrade)... and possibly an exhaust fan in the roof of the cabinet.

Really happy with the final product. Adding more dosing lines today.
Why don't I have an Eb832 you say? Because they look horrible, seem to be Neptune's number one failing product, and my Eb8 continues to work without issue (fingers crossed).
Plus I wanted to keep the look consistent.

Thanks for looking.

Last edited by WarDog; 01-18-2024 at 07:22 PM.
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