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Old 01-06-2024, 09:28 PM
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WarDog WarDog is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Maple Ridge, BC
Posts: 3,111
WarDog will become famous soon enough

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!
Got a bunch done over the Xmas break and even had time to visit Adam at Frag Garage in Victoria to pick up some coral.

So let us continue with the upgrade porn. After discovering the ridiculously high PO4 I did a much needed water change.

Drains right into the tub.

Then filling up the tank with new water. Currently using Red Sea Blue, but I may change to Tropic Marin because all the cool kids are doing it.

Time to relocate the ATO to the fishroom. Started by drilling the tank.

...And fitted a bulkhead.

Needed to beef up the base of the water change station so I added 3/4 ply.

Time to clean up this mess. Was going to have the Apex control the water filling and auto water changes, but after speaking with some reef Jedi's, they saw no real benefits from auto water changes.

Finished product minus the brute that sits in the front. Added a 6 gang plug to clean up the electrical and hopefully protect it a bit.
The ATO gravity feeds directly into the sump (through the wall) where I installed a float valve in the return section.
One line goes to the Brute, not shown, and one line feeds to the tub if I want some RO.

More progress on the Apex cabinet coming soon.

Thanks for looking,


Found some more pics for the ATO so I may as well upload them while I'm still motivated, lol.

New float valve in the sump.

ATO line hugs the wall and around through the wall into the fishroom.

Some close ups.

The completed product, plus a shut off that still needs to be added for better accessibility.
Currently seen mixing water.

I will leave you with an Apex cabinet tease.

Last edited by WarDog; 01-06-2024 at 10:08 PM.
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