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Old 02-15-2023, 07:26 PM
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Default FS: Rainbow BTAs and Tyree Toadstools (North Burnaby)


It's been a while and it's time once again to re-home some extras!
The Rainbow BTAs are about the size of a fist.
$50 each. Will trade for other BTAs. Anyone have a green BTA for trade?

I have had the mother for well over a decade. While these do split for me, I keep my colony at around 10ish individuals, so they don't split like crazy.

These are not what I call the colonial variety that only grow to 3-4" and then start splitting.

Also have a few Tyree Neon Green toadstools. $25 each. Caps are loonie/toonie sized when closed.
Have had these for probably a decade as well. I remember buying it the first time I saw it available, from a shop in Abby, was $25 for a tiny piece the size of a dime!

Lighting is T5 with LED.
- S H A O -

Last edited by smokinreefer; 02-15-2023 at 07:37 PM. Reason: add info on Tyree Toadstool.
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