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Old 01-24-2023, 04:36 AM
bades bades is offline
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bades is on a distinguished road
Default Roller Mats

I'm on my second roller mat and have been impressed with both of them, however,.......
At first I was skeptical about any roller mat regarding performance and smell from the used fleece. However, both of those items were not a issue.

I bought my first roller mat probably 4 years ago, it was the ClariSea SK-5000. I used it on my 140 gallon that was pretty heavily stocked. It did a phenomenal job, but found a couple of things that I didn't think of before I purchased it. The first was that I was going thru a roll of fleece in just under a month (I thought that they would last longer), ultimately costing a few more $$$. Secondly, I found it a pain in the butt to change fleece rolls (I would staple the new roll to the end of the old roll instead of manually guiding the fleece thru the basket to the waste roller every time it had to be changed. ALSO, when unpacking and putting the roller together, every piece of the roller was protected in a plastic peel off protected film (for lack of better words) that took quite awhile to put together.

The second one that I purchased recently and have had on my 320 gallon for only a week is the Red Sea ReefMat 1200. I am TOTALLY IMPRESSED with it so far. Putting it together was so much easier and though I haven't changed a fleece roll yet, it WILL be easier than the ClariSea. The Red Sea App is also a plus as it contains lots of information regarding the fleece roller and all of the other options.
I am looking forward to seeing its full capability when the tank gets fully stocked.

Anyways, a little long winded, but that's my experience with roller mats over the last couple of years. NOT GOING BACK TO SOCKS!!!
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