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Old 12-07-2022, 11:51 PM
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gridley gridley is offline
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gridley is on a distinguished road
Default FS - Coral - 3 Green Star Polyp and 1 Leather Toadstool

I am getting out of the hobby and have three rocks with Green Star Polyp corals, and one with two Leather Toadstool Corals on it.

#1. - a 2.5" x 2' GSP on a 3 lb rock - $10
#2 - about 10" x 10" GSP on a 3 lb rock - $35
#3 - 5" x 3" GSP on a 2.5 lb rock - $15
#4 - Leather Toadstool Coral - about 1.5" across - there is a smaller one attached to the same rock. $20

I am willing to consider offers.
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90g mixed reef (eventually!); 23g sump; 20g QT; Waveline DC-5000 return; 2 Radions; 2 Vortech MP10s; Koralia 3; ELOS ATO with 14g ATO tank; RLSS R8 skimmer; BRS reactor - GFO/Carbon; filter socks; Puratek RO/DI
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