Happy Holidays!
My current holiday offerings. Keeping the Hobby Affordable For Christmas. prices may vary depending on which frags are available. I am happy to make deals (prices are matched to beat any retail store prices). Let me know if you new to reefing If you need help choosing coral.
-Dragon soul torchs 180$
-Golden Frammer (Hammer x frogspawn) 50$ per polyp (Starting at 100$) (deal: Buy 3 polyps get a 4th free)
-Australian Candy Apple Blastomussa Frags: 80$ (Mini colonies! ~8-10$ per polyp!!!)
-Utter Chaos Zoanthids- 60-80$ per frag plug (8+ polyps per plug)
-Utter Chaos/Rasta Mix plug 60$ (single plug zoo garden)
-Bounch Rhodactus Mushroom Green fuzzy pink ridge - 30$ per plug
- Acropora - Red Planet -20$ 1inch frag
Green Acropora Blue tip stag (green terminal polyp) 2-3 inch - 30$
Teal Echinata (Unsure of true phylogenies) - small Colonies 60$
Blue Stag (mounding growth) - 20$ per frag plug.
-Cultured Ultra Rainbow Micromussa Lord - 120$ (multiple small polyps establishing colony)
send me a message on Instagram or facebook (pictures of coral colonies seen on my instagram)
you may text me at the above number