See list below.
Message me for offers. I am aware it is frowned upon to post without pricing but I have no idea what the majority of this stuff is worth these days and am also offering a lot of free items. I am flexible on price for all and will accept all fair offers without negotiation.
Innovative Marine Nuvo Fusion 20 (has some scratches in glass)
AI Prime HD with arm
E-Shopps Nano Skimmer
Vertex MP10 powerhead
Jebao SW-4 wake maker X2
Jebao SW-2 wake maker
Innovative Marine algae grow light
Auto Fish feeder X2
Auto Top off
Cobalt 100w neo therm heater
Miscellaneous pumps (free with purchase of anything else)
Dosing pump (missing power cord) (free with purchase of anything else)
Innovative marine UV light
Air pump (free with purchase of anything else)
Vertext Puratek RODI filter
TDS meter (free with purchase of anything else)
Refractometer X2
Filter socks X5 (free with purchase of anything else)
Vacuum (free with purchase of anything else)
Glass scrubber stick thing (free with purchase of anything else)
Tunze magnet glass cleaner and scraper (free with purchase of anything else)
Vibrant (free with purchase of anything else)
Misc tests (free with purchase of anything else)
Kalkwasser (free with purchase of anything else)
Phosar (free with purchase of anything else)
Chemi pure blue nano (four bags left) (free with purchase of anything else)
magnesium (free with purchase of anything else)
refine (free with purchase of anything else)
coral dip (free with purchase of anything else)
AFix glue (free with purchase of anything else)
Chemiclean (free with purchase of anything else)
Read sea foundation A and B (free with purchase of anything else)
Nopox (free with purchase of anything else)
5 gallon water jugs (free)
If someone wants to take the entire list above I will be very generous in pricing.
Link to photo file, I can't figure out how to load the photos.