FS: 120 gal tank & stand
Leaving the hobby, full pkg for sale.
120 gal reef tank with stand. 40 gal breeder tank with stand.
Vertex Omega 150 Protein skimmer. Sea Clone 100 Protein Skimmer.
2 - Radion XR30W Pro lights. Phosban 150 Reactor. Tunzie water
level controller with auto top up. 2 dosing pumps with C Balance A&B.
Marineland canister filter. Auto feeder. Natural Wave pump timer.
Barracuda water filter. Misc. pumps, test kits, additives, filter socks,
heaters, frozen food, instant ocean reef crystals, misc. fittings.
6 in. Regal Blue Tang. 13 in. Ritteri Anemone hosting breeding pair of
Percula Clowns. 2 Damsels. Misc. corals. Chaeto algae in sump.
Buyer to dismantle & transport. Total pkg $1800.