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Old 05-14-2022, 02:40 AM
Ken Ken is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Campbell River BC
Posts: 208
Ken is on a distinguished road

Do you have any other coral in the tank that the clowns may find interesting? For example are the clowns hosting in other corals such as leather corals or Euphyllia corals.
If possible, try having only the anenome in the tank and nothing else. The purpose of this is only having that one item is that the clowns would feel be a place for security and protection.
If they eventually do host then you could slowly add the other corals back in, I find that once the clown finds a coral to their liking then they usually stick with it. I have a mix coral tank and many of the clowns host in different corals and sometimes the coral don't like that at all and you can see that by the corals are stressed or constantly closing up. Regards Ken
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