Available in Vancover B.C. Canada
Message me on Instagram for fastest reply @Canadianreefmaster
CRM Ultra Golden frammer (F. Divisa x F. Paranacora)
(please note the polyp size is about the size of a loonie/toonie fully grown/expanded these are a faster dividing branching Fimbriaphyllia)
2 or 4 polyps frags 80$ Canadian per polyp.
CRM Joker Acropora 30$
Myiagi Tort
small 30$
Montipora Forest GReen, blue growth ridge 40$
Utter chaos 4-6 polyp 50$ (4 available)
7+ mini colonies available
GReen (lower light) baby blue (higher light/growth tips) CRM A. Echinata 40$-75$ (1-2+ inch frags)
CRM Miyagi Acropora tortuosa
Small 30$
Med 50$
Colony size frag Mounted on rock 100$
Rasta Zooanthids 25$ per frag plug