Got a new screen lid for the tank since my old one was starting to fall apart.
Been having some issues with one of my frogspawns. It's looking quite unhappy and I'm not sure why. The frogspawn and hammer near it are doing well. I can't see any pests on it that might be bothering it.
I seem to have this problem with euphyllia. The hammer I have was growing well then was unhappy and 2 of 3 heads died. Now it's back to 3 heads. Same with another frogspawn I had. Was doing great then all of a sudden started dying off.
Since I haven't changed anything with the tank I sent away an ICP test to see if it could tell me anything.
All other fish and corals are doing well. The jack o lantern I glued to the back wall is growing which is great. I hope one day it covers the back wall.

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