My latest crash was from a Tiger Tail Sea Cucumber. It managed to get into the sump where it ended up dying and releasing toxins into the water and it went undiscovered for several days but by that time the damage had been done I lost all but one coral and all but 2 fish and my pistol shrimp. That was 2 and a half months ago and my tank is slowly on the mend.
Other crashes were ATO failure(pump stayed on) fish was injured and released toxins in the tank (didn’t lose anything but tank was unhappy for weeks) tank neglect I had a heart attack and tank wasn’t maintained for 8 days till I came back from Vancouver(red cyano outbreak killed half my coral)
Ironically enough I still have my original heaters both are going on 9 years and no issues.
 My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....