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Old 04-21-2021, 07:57 PM
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GreenSpottedPuffer GreenSpottedPuffer is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
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Originally Posted by darb View Post
As you probably know, the Vancouver aquarium was recently sold which probably isn't for the better.

For a contact, you could try the "other" BC forum, they have a Vancouver Aquatic Hobbyist Society which I think used to meet at the Van Aq; not sure if it is still active or still meeting though.
Thanks! Well, I don't see it as good but not bad either. The alternative was the aquarium shutting down, which looked very likely not too long ago.

Luckily another member here has been able to make contact with the aquarium for me and we are waiting on an answer.

I think I will also check out that 'other' forum (think I know where you mean) and see if they have any ideas. Good advice.
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