I agree with ‘dino.’ As long as the costs are relevant to the market, there’s no need in going overboard with what people charge for their yellows, or any other fish. I just got back into the hobby less than a year ago, after being away for over twenty years. So I too was quite surprised at the costs associated with the marine world. But none the less, I’m of the mindset that we are paying for a life, not some hood ornament. Without getting all existential, I think it is well worth what we are paying for our animals these days-that’s just me though

And again, like Dino said, as long as we ask fair market price, and it falls in line with value it would be considered fair; right now value is set by the stores as a result of demand. And unfair would be cost above the asking price of the stores.
By the way, this discussion is-not and was-not in anyway meant to be disrespectful in anyway shape or form! It’s open, transparent, and simply based on my, and others opinions and views. We are adults and hopefully we can learn from one another or at the very least, have a better understanding of how we each feel and/or view our current hobby/passion.
Perhaps it’s incentive for us to figure out a way to tank raise fish that are more hardy and healthy than what is currently being offered in the tang world. Science is never exact, there’s always room for improvement.