Originally Posted by Torontotraders
With all due respect. Isn't that the way things are today? I don't think houses across Canada are worth a (at least) million bucks for something just 6 months to 3 years ago was worth anywhere from 20 to 50 percent less.
Supply and demand dictate the buying pressure on any specific item that you or myself might or might not agree with. Yellow (wild) tangs are (at least for now) simply at a point where the supply chain has been cut off, and therefore cause a rise in demand. You may not want one, but others might, even if, at one time, they were considered the 'rabbits' of the tang world, that is no longer the case.
If we lived in a world where we thought certain things should remain at the value of yesterday, food prices would not be going up, housing prices wouldn't be going up, and my stocks would remain stationary. No matter what I/you think about the cost of what a fish may be worth, I'm not going to think less of someone else because we chose to sell our fish for more, or chose to buy one that we can't find (any longer) for a premium. What someone considers expensive, another will purchase because they feel it is worth it to them! Hence the reason why housing prices are skyrocketing. That's not desperation, thats supply, and demand - If we don't like it, we stay out of the market and wait for a possible change.
By the way, the reason why Achilles are at a premium is the exact same relative reason. They are not an easy fish to get, although for a different reason the principles are the same 
So with all due respect back to you ...
If an Achilles Tang used to be $400, or $500, but is now only $100 because of lack of demand, would you sell it for $100.00, or for $450.00 - $500.00 ????
Because a Yellow Tang is now in demand, are you going to try to make money selling the one you have in your tank?
I Gave Away my Yellow Tang last year as I wasn't sure what issue it had. It had a bacterial infection. I had the fish for over 5 years.
Should I have attempted to sell it for stupid money, or lie to buyers ... ?
Could I have tried to get Hundreds of dollars for it? Sure.
Would I have felt right doing so? No.
I gave it away for FREE because I wasn't sure what issue the new owner would have.