Hey sorry I got a bit busy tonight , Ill respond to this now and ill check back tomorrow

thanks for the help

I’m in no rush, just going at this slow
So I got 125g with a sump of 75g with rocks and everything I always used approx 125 g of water total
I have all the same supplies as Randy or bulk reef
What my plan was is to dose daily 2 part with calcium chloride and sodium carbonate . BUT I was going to use sodium BIcarbonate initially to raise the dkh back to 8 before the nitrate dosing and it dropped
I ordered a Hanna and just got it in the mail today so I’m going to use it to test tomrorow 24 hours after I dosed a full 125 and see where we are at and go from there .
The calc and mag are holding up at 410 and 1380 yesterdya
Thanks for all the help