10-11-2020, 08:26 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Richmond BC
Posts: 0
Free corals
Originally Posted by Reef76b
Tank is in the midst of a crash have lost all my sps and would like to rehome the remaining lps before it suffers the same fate b4 shutting the tank down. All lps is fairly closed up and unhappy but no brown jelly or tissue loss all appear to still be healthy at the moment but need to be rehomed asap
Large bubble coral 12” across when open
Long tentacle plate coral 4”
Red flowerpot coral
Lots of neon green candycane 40-50 heads
Branching hammer 25 heads
Few other frags
No holds pickup in langley preference to whom ever can pick up first at I would like to save what is left
Pm’ed you thanks.