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Old 08-01-2020, 01:38 AM
Ken Ken is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Campbell River BC
Posts: 208
Ken is on a distinguished road

Hi from Campbell River BC, you are passionate about your hobby like I am, the same goes for the rest of us here, people who make rude comments like that don't know the real meaning of being passionate about this hobby. This hobby is not all that you see in real life like on the internet where there are absolute pristine tanks that looks like they were photoshop or just put together for a photo shoot, they don't represent the real world where algae & missed maintenance, where hobbyist have families & other commitment that keeps us all busy. We enjoy our aquarium for what it is & others don't need to judge us. I see many hobbyist give up on this hobby because they are trying to create what they see on the internet but what they should be doing is keeping it simple, easy to maintain and enjoy and not to be threaten by people with rude comments who don't appreciate it. My aquariums are part of me, I been in the hobby since the 80s, they are not all prestine, they all need work here and there, I'm okay will helpful suggestion but don't critize my aquarium, so I understand what you are talking about. This is real life! You got my vote on your photo, I thought that was real cool. regards ken
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