Everyone reaches a breaking point
A month ago I posted a picture in the Picture of the month contest for feeding time I was one of two people that posted. Since that picture won the picture of the month I have been ridiculed, demeaned and have even been roasted on a few FB and forum sites I am on. I even got some very nasty IM through FB And forums about my picture.
Now I know my tank is not the prettiest tank nor the cleanest tank to look at and I run only softies in my tank It is still my tank and I’m proud of it. It does hurt me a lot when I am demeaned publicly and privately but I am still here.
I have been the butt of many jokes about my tank but I choose to show everything not just the good side of the hobby I readily share Cyano outbreaks, algae outbreaks, dirty glass and bubble outbreaks because it Happens And the reality is everyone suffers from It time to time.
So I cannot fathom why people choose to attack me for the way my tank looks or that I post both good and bad shots of my tank. Yes I know I’m not in the same caliber of tanks but I’m very proud of my tank. I have had long time reefers and new reefers demean me taunt me and send nasty messages to me and for the most part I ignore it but everybody reaches their breaking point and mine was this message from a supposedly long time reefer on Another forum
“From IGgreen112
Why do you even bother putting pictures up about your aquarium. Your tank is sucky at the best of times. You guve us real salt water hobbyists a bad rap. Stop putting your shitty pictures up You embarrass us”
 My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....