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Old 07-27-2020, 12:54 AM
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oyf709 oyf709 is offline
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Originally Posted by LifeIsGreat View Post
Got an update on the blenny?
It actually just past away last night.

After I moved the blenny to the QT tank. I saw the side of the blenny got a round spot seems could be a anemone sting. Over the following 3 days, I thought it was doing better as it start eating and no longer scratching. The spot is also gone. However, last night, its front part of its right eye getting a layer of haze looking film. It also looking breathing much quicker than normal. I told my wife that it doesn't look good. I did a water test and all reading are in good range. ammonia, Nitrate and Nitrite are all undetectable. I was planning to do a 50% water change the following morning because due to my vibrant dosing, my tank is full of red slime. This morning, I found it is laying on the sand bed.

Thanks for everyone's input, there could be multiple things contribute to its death.
~* <3 NEMO <3 *~
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